Mitel 6120 Contact Center Scheduling/6125 Real-Time Schedule Adherence

Mitel 6120 Contact Center Scheduling (CCS) ensures that agent scheduling is not only simple, but optimized to meet your forecasted requirements.

With personnel costs representing upwards of 65 percent of contact center budgets, effective scheduling is critical to controlling costs. Scheduling too many agents or too few agents can unnecessarily increase your costs and create customer dissatisfation. In addition, supervisors need to know what their agents are doing in relation to what is scheduled so they can quickly identify at a glance, instances of non-adherence and respond before service levels are jeapordized.

Mitel® 6120 Contact Center Scheduling integrates with Mitel 6110 Contact Center Management forecasting capabilities to enable supervisors to:

* Ensure the right number of agents with the right skills are always available to meet contact center service levels

* Reduce costs and payroll expenses by avoiding unnecessary scheduling

* Reduce the administrative time required for manual scheduling

* Increase employee morale and reduce turnover by offering flexible and consistent schedules

* Respond to changing resource demands on the fly

* Avoid scheduling conflicts in employee availability and overtime eligibility

The Mitel 6125 Real-Time Schedule Adherence offering is an add-on application to the Mitel 6120 Contact Center Scheduling.

With 6125 Real-Time Schedule Adherence, supervisors can ensure agents are performing their on-phone and off-phone duties as scheduled in 6120 Contact Center Scheduling. The 6125 Real-Time Schedule Adherence tells you in an instant:

* What percent of agents have adhered to their daily scheduled tasks

* Which agents are not adhering to the schedule

* Which agent has been out of adherence for the longest time

* If your agents are in the right queues at the right times

* The average adherence percentage for the group




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